Friday, April 2, 2010

Learning UI programming all over again

We're adding a new feature to one of our client applications that is really an application in it's own right. The user interface is often described as "burley", at least from a coding perspective. From the users point of view, this thing is will nothing short of elegantly awesome, for there's a lot of work that goes into convert the vision to reality.

It's interesting working through front end code again. It's something I've haven't done in years, at least as far as hard core end user interaction goes. I'm not talking about putting html and css on the page and responding to asynchronous method calls. I'm talking about really cool stuff that designers come up with when they believe there are no limits to what a user interface can contain.

My last experience with UI work was with Swing. I did a lot of interactive mapping functionality for open source projects, as well as a visual inspection and packaging tool for an employer. I went through the whole experience of discovering (and understanding) the main event thread. I really learned about the MVC and Observer patterns in a way that reading alone can't provide.

While our "burley" feature is implemented in javascript, we've chosen to use GWT. While there is a bit of familiarity between Swing and GWT, they are quite different. We're also not using GWT the way it's intended - instead of building the UI from new Widgets, we're taking an HTML page (provided by the end user) and wrapping Elements from the DOM in custom Widgets. It made us question whether GWT was the right tool for this job, but so far, writing in Java instead of javascripts has proven to be a huge win for us. Object oriented or not, navigating a slew of javascript files or a few monolithic js files, javascript has proven to be fairly non "team-friendly". Rafactoring Java in Eclipse is trivial, making it easy to keep clean and allowing us to spike out new ideas quickly and easily. And don't even get me started on the testability of how this code is shaping up, compared to old javascript that remains largely uncovered.

Regardless of how it's implemented, a UI is a UI, and there are common problems that arise. We initially spiked out a
with a mouseover event that caused a "masking"
to cover the original. On mouseout, we remove the mask. In hind sight, it's obvious that once the mask is positioned over the underlying element, the underlying element will loose mouse focus. Fortunately, none of the developers have Photosensitive epilepsy.

While I love to think our team is good enough to start off on the right path everytime, that was obviously not the case. Besides learning the GWT api, refreshing our knowledge of browser events, and determining how to navigate any dom a user could throw at our code, we ran a lot of spikes that challenged our knowledge and assumptions. Once we determined what we wanted the code to do, we realized the code we'd developed during the spikes was less than optimal. Much of what we had was untestable, tightly bound and just plain messy. Fortunately, all of that can be fixed by following some common patterns and best practices.

Separating concerns (MVC) and using a publisher/subscriber (Observer) approach to events has allowed us to come up with code that's enjoyable to work with, and easy to understand. The learning curve for developers jumping in (and out) of this project is incredibly low. The ability to test logic (while not messing around with GWTTestCase and it's long run times) provides a sense of confidence that browser testing alone can not match.

In the end, it just shows that languages and frameworks are not as important as good coding practices. Clean, simple and tested code that follows proven patterns and practices provides a quality product that can be extended, modified and maintained long into the future. If you start with mimicing what's been shown to work well, you'll have a better chance of ending up with something that serves you (and your customers) well.

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