Monday, September 21, 2009

Is Java dead? Are you kidding?

Posts that contemplate whether or not java is dead are amusing at best and annoying at worst. Regardless of which company bought who, or which scripting/functional/newfangled language is so much better, or how many people are "jumping ship", Java will continue to thrive for years!

This is no different than people proclaiming that Linux would spell the demise of Windows (I must admit, I was among those fools). True, Windows has much less market share than it once did, but it is by no means dead.

Heck, if COBOL continues to run "almost three quarters of the world’s business applications", then Java will surely survive 2009! And if Java is currently the most popular language, saying that Java is doomed seems pretty ignorant.

Of course, if by dead you mean something you won't use anymore, then sure . . . move along! Those of us who view languages as tools will continue to use it (and claim the money that companies are still willing to hand out). You go ahead and make decisions based on what language "feels" better and which one you think will get you the most respect. In the meantime, I've got work to do, and that my friend, involves writing heaps and heaps of Java code!

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