Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My language is better than your language

I'm flabbergast at the number of blog posts that try to convince readers why one language (or framework) is better than others. What a waste of bits!

You can find fault in any language. PHP lacks a finally clause, Java is too cumbersome, Ruby uses a poor threading model, and on and on. The funny thing is, while I might argue that each of the above statements show these languages downsides, I'm sure there are arguments that can be used to contradict or refute those statements.

Who cares? If you don't like a language, don't use it! If it solves a problem for you, then use it. If you only know one language, and you know how to solve a particular problem with it, then by all means, use it! The end user doesn't give a rat's ass what language you use (unless it won't work on their computer).

Languages are just tools. Use what works to solve a particular problem. Some languages solve certain problems better than others, but that doesn't make them better overall languages. Saying that a language is the best is the same as saying you know that language -- if you say you know a language (unless you're the creator of that language), then you don't realize how much you don't know!

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